Why is my heart so light,
Why are the stars so bright,
Why is the sky so blue,
Since the hour I met you,
Flowers are smiling bright
Smiling for our delight,
Smiling so tenderly,
For the world, you and me,
I know why the world is smiling,
Smiling so tenderly,
It hears the same old story,
Through all eternity
Love, this is my song,
Here is a song, a serenade to you,
The world cannot be wrong,
If in this world there is you
I care not what the world may say,
Without your love there is no day,
So, love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you
幾天以來,不住觀賞差利卓別靈的電影,分別是Gold Rush、City Lights、Modern Time及The Great Dictator....快要看的是The Countess in Hong Kong,緣起也是緣滅,香港無端與這位偉大的娛樂家連上關係,既是差利最後出演的作品,戲中主角也不再屬於那個小鬍子矮人。This Is My Song由他本人撰寫,是為主題曲。
有些情懷, 不屬於我們的, 有些音樂, 早就成了過去。我們都給不同的力量模造,置放了不一樣的心靈結構。這幾天,我以無淚悼念剛去世的外婆以及家中逐日反肚的小魚,打撈魚屍彷彿成了母親的家務,幸好伊的心堅強柔和;而妹妹忽爾哭起來,想是掛念剛出行的親人;我卻想說,在祖父離開那個幼童年代,小不點若我早已在班房放聲大哭過了,還滿臉淚涕跟「先生」(老師)說,「爺爺死了」。這個年頭,我只說,「婆婆走了」。
送這首歌給您,Here is a song, a serenade to you。